Res Publica Foundation

Res Publica Foundation is a French independent think tank recognized by the French government.
The Foundation works especially on the French model of republicanism and on the dialogue between civilizations and nations in the age of globalization.

Facing the economic crisis

In order to face the current crisis, we need a long-term point of view : prospects for a multipolar world, perspectives on energy challenge, the resolution of world imbalances.
Moving away from old schemes and taboos, new policies should be developed. The Foundation proposes new orientations for the Eurozone economic government, energy policies, taxes and spending, research and education, etc.
We can open a road to universal values based on republican principles and build peace relying on dialogue between cultures and nations.
This roadmap should help to define the European identity and allow it to take shape in the eyes of public opinion more clearly.

A European identity

The European identity should be reinforced through a long-term partnership between France and Germany and with the biggest countries of the European Union (Great-Britain, Italy, Spain, Poland), a better understanding of Central and Eastern European countries, and a strategic partnership with Russia, as the European interest is not to reinforce the link between Russia and Asia. These issues are the highest priorities of work for the Foundation. Res Publica aims at the affirmation of a truly European Europe, that is, allied to the United States without subordinating itself to it.

Development and authenticty

Each country should find the road to development and universalism in its own history. This way of thinking should be a basis to define new partnerships between nations in favor of international right and a multipolar world. A cooperation with Euromediterranean countries can be contemplated provided that each people acknowledge the identity of the other.

A link between Europe and Mediterranean countries

The research programme of the Res Publica Foundation aims to demonstrate the interest of cooperation on topics such as right, public administration, education and access to citizenship, especially in the Euromediterranean zone. It is certainly possible to imagine common projects in industrial policies, telecommunication infrastructures and currency issues. Through such projects, the Foundation wants to be a laboratory of dialogue between civilizations

The Foundation’s programme

Res Publica Foundation has already organized 40 conferences. A book is published after each conference and sent to MPs and senators, journalists and intellectuals.

Experts in politics, diplomacy and business as well as university specialists are invited to the Foundation’s conferences in a non-partisan spirit.

The Foundation’s programme is based on the work of experts and researchers and coordinated by Jean-Pierre Chevènement, President of the Foundation and former Minister. The Foundation’s scientific council determines the topics of research.

Our publications and programme can be found on the Foundation’s website :

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